In-Stock at Critter Cabana
Small Animals In-Stock List
Pricing Note
The listed prices are considered our 'a la carte' prices. Significant discounts up to 50% are usually given when purchasing an animal with the appropriate components.Newberg Location:
Description | Price | Qty |
SA Bunny (LionHeadxNetherland) | $199.99 | 1 |
SA Fancy Rat (Female) | $44.99 | 8 |
SA Fancy Rat (Male) | $44.99 | 6 |
SA Ferret (Marshalls) | $549.99 | 4 |
SA Gerbil (Male) | $24.99 | 2 |
SA Hamster (Djung Spotted) F | $29.99 | 1 |
SA Hamster (Robo) Marbled M | $29.99 | 1 |
SA Hamster (Russian) Male | $29.99 | 1 |
Reptile In-Stock List
Pricing Note
The listed prices are consider our 'a la carte' prices. Significant discounts up to 50% are usually given when purchasing an animal with the appropriate components.We have the following animals available for sale, prices fluctuate often and may be different: This list is updated nightly. Please call to verify availability.
Newberg Location:
Description | Price | Qty |
:Anole; Green | $9.99 | 4 |
Beetle; Death Feigning (Adult) | $19.99 | 5 |
Beetle; Hairy Robot (Adult) | $9.99 | 6 |
Boa; Dumerils (Normal) | $449.99 | 1 |
Boa; Kenyan Rehome (Jackie) | $119.99 | 1 |
Boa; Kenyan Rehome (Shauna) | $119.99 | 1 |
Boa; Rainbow (Colombian) | $214.99 | 1 |
Boa; Red Tail (Guyana) | $349.99 | 1 |
Boa; Rosy | $249.99 | 1 |
Dart Frog; Blue Azureus (JF) | $59.99 | 2 |
Dart Frog; Green Sipaliwini JF | $59.99 | 1 |
Dart Frog; Orange Galactonotus | $89.99 | 2 |
Dart Frog; Super Blue & Green | $86.99 | 6 |
Dragon; Bearded Fancy (Juvi) | $124.99 | 2 |
Frog; Chubby (Rehome) | $49.99 | 1 |
Frog; Pacman (Albino) | $34.99 | 1 |
Gecko; Cave (Chinese) | $99.99 | 1 |
Gecko; Chahoua (kit) | $500.00 | 1 |
Gecko; Crested (Fancy) | $124.99 | 2 |
Gecko; Crestie Kit (Large) | $99.99 | 6 |
Gecko; Gold Dusted Day | $74.99 | 2 |
Gecko; Leopard (Mack Sno Baby) | $74.99 | 1 |
Gecko; Leopard (Normal) | $74.99 | 1 |
Gecko; Leopard (Snow adlt F) | $89.99 | 1 |
Gecko; Leopard (Tang Bell Alb) | $124.99 | 1 |
Hognose; Albino | $399.99 | 1 |
Hognose; Pistachio | $349.99 | 1 |
JF Springtails 32oz | $15.99 | 6 |
LP Bromiliad; Mounted Sm | $24.99 | 1 |
LP Bromiliad; Potted Lg | $35.99 | 1 |
LP Philodendron; Assorted Sm | $9.99 | 1 |
LP Succulent; Assorted Md-Lg | $16.49 | 3 |
LP Succulent; Assorted Medium | $11.99 | 2 |
LP Succulent; Assorted Sm | $6.49 | 4 |
LP Succulent; Assorted Sm-Med | $8.49 | 4 |
Milksnake; Nelsons/Pueblin RH | $124.99 | 1 |
Milksnake; Pueblan | $114.99 | 1 |
Millipede; Arizona Choco | $19.99 | 7 |
Millipede; Bumble Bee | $9.99 | 2 |
Millipede; Ivory | $14.99 | 71 |
Millipede; Pink Dragon | $10.99 | 68 |
Millipede; Texas Giant Gold | $19.99 | 8 |
Python; Ball (Normal) | $84.99 | 1 |
Python; Ball (Pastel Leo Clo) | $299.99 | 1 |
Scorpion; H. laoticus | $24.99 | 1 |
Scorpion; H. spinifer | $14.99 | 2 |
Scorpion; P. imperator | $89.99 | 3 |
Skink; Blue Tongue (Juvenile) | $215.99 | 1 |
Skink; Blue Tongue (Merauke) | $324.99 | 1 |
Snake; Corn (OkeeteeHred) | $124.99 | 2 |
Spider; P. audax | $24.99 | 5 |
Spider; P. johnsoni | $34.99 | 1 |
Spider; P. sp. "Ometepe" | $59.99 | 2 |
Tarantula; A. geniculata 0.75" | $29.99 | 2 |
Tarantula; A. Michoacan .5" | $74.99 | 2 |
Tarantula; A. sp. 'Geroldi' | $89.99 | 1 |
Tarantula; B. albiceps sling | $49.99 | 4 |
Tarantula; C. cyaneopubescens | $109.99 | 1 |
Tarantula; D. pentaloris | $24.99 | 2 |
Tarantula; G. pulchripes .5" | $34.99 | 2 |
Tarantula; G. rosea | $59.99 | 1 |
Tarantula; H. formosus .25" | $29.99 | 1 |
Tarantula; I. mira | $89.99 | 1 |
Tarantula; T. kahlenbergi | $129.99 | 1 |
Tarantula; T. schroederi .5" | $49.99 | 1 |
Tarantula; T. stirmi SubAdlt M | $189.99 | 1 |
Tarantula; T. vagans | $29.99 | 2 |
Tetra; Panda | $3.99 | 2 |
Tortoise; Hermans (Adult) | $249.99 | 3 |
Tortoise; Russian (Subadult M) | $199.99 | 1 |
Tortoise; Sulcata (Rehome) | $249.99 | 1 |
Tortoise; Sulcata LG (Kermit) | $999.99 | 1 |
Tortoise; Sulcata LG (Rocky) | $999.99 | 1 |
Fish In-Stock List
Pricing Note
The listed prices are consider our single fish prices. Significant discounts up to 70% are usually given when purchasing schooling fish in quantity.We have the following animals available for sale, prices fluctuate often and may be different in Wilsonville or Newberg. This list is updated nightly. Please call to verify availability.
Newberg Location:
Category | Description | Price | Qty |
FW - Livebearers | |||
Endlers; Assorted (Female) | $7.99 | 1 | |
Endlers; Assorted (Male) | $4.99 | 23 | |
Platy; Assorted Colors | $2.99 | 20 | |
FW - Inverts/Oddballs | |||
Frog; African Dwarf | $5.99 | 20 | |
Shrimp; Amano | $4.99 | 40 | |
Shrimp; Amano (Sun Orange) | $5.99 | 10 | |
Shrimp; Assorted Neocaridina | $4.99 | 75 | |
Shrimp; Cherry (Red) | $4.99 | 25 | |
Shrimp; Sunkist | $4.99 | 25 | |
Snail; Mystery <1in Small | $2.99 | 62 | |
Snail; Nerite (Asst FW) | $3.49 | 26 | |
FW - Bettas | |||
Betta; Female | $7.99 | 2 | |
Betta; Female Crowntail | $11.99 | 3 | |
Betta; Super Delta | $14.99 | 3 | |
FW - Barbs & Minnows | |||
Barb; Cherry | $4.99 | 14 | |
Danio; Glowlight | $7.99 | 10 | |
Danio; Zebra | $2.49 | 12 | |
Minnow; White Cloud | $2.99 | 12 | |
Shark; Rainbow | $4.99 | 1 | |
Shark; Roseline (4-6 in) | $29.99 | 1 | |
FW - Plants | |||
LP A. crispus w/ leaves | $7.99 | 4 | |
LP A. madagascariensis | $11.99 | 7 | |
LP A. ulvaceous w/ leaves | $11.99 | 9 | |
LP Anubias; Assorted 1-4 in | $9.99 | 18 | |
LP Anubias; Assorted 6+ in | $15.99 | 5 | |
LP B. caroliniana | $1.99 | 36 | |
LP B. caroliniana (Ylw. Flame) | $1.99 | 24 | |
LP C. caroliniana | $1.99 | 20 | |
LP C. spiralis | $4.99 | 13 | |
LP C. thalictroides | $4.49 | 33 | |
LP C. wendtii assorted color | $3.49 | 41 | |
LP H. corymbosa 'Giant' | $1.99 | 3 | |
LP H. difformis | $3.99 | 4 | |
LP H. Salicifolia (Stem) | $2.99 | 10 | |
LP M. pteropus 'Java Fern' | $7.99 | 55 | |
LP M. pteropus(Lace Java Fern) | $6.99 | 25 | |
LP N. Zenkeri (Tiger Lotus) | $8.99 | 21 | |
LP R. indica | $1.99 | 40 | |
LP R. macrandra 'Narrow Leaf' | $1.99 | 5 | |
LP V. Contortion (Corkscrew) | $1.99 | 25 | |
LP V. montagnei JF | $11.49 | 4 | |
LP V. spiralis | $1.99 | 100 | |
FW - Algae Eaters | |||
Garra; Panda | $9.99 | 10 | |
FW - Catfish | |||
Catfish; Hoplo (Albino) | $19.99 | 3 | |
Cory; Albino | $5.99 | 11 | |
Cory; Bronze | $4.99 | 8 | |
Cory; Julii | $5.99 | 6 | |
Pleco; Bushynose (1-2in) | $7.99 | 1 | |
Pleco; Bushynose (Alb Longfin) | $14.99 | 3 | |
Pleco; Bushynose (Albino;1-2") | $8.99 | 5 | |
Pleco; Bushynose (Longfin1-2") | $9.99 | 12 | |
Pleco; Inspector L210 | $39.99 | 3 | |
Pleco; Lemon Drop | $8.5 | 2 | |
Pleco; Rubberlip | $12.99 | 1 | |
Pleco; Rubberlip (3-4 in) | $18.99 | 1 | |
FW - Labrinths | |||
Gourami; Dwarf (Powder Blue) | $14.99 | 8 | |
Gourami; Dwarf Flame | $14.99 | 1 | |
Gourami; Honey Dwarf (Fire) | $6.99 | 10 | |
Gourami; Opaline | $7.99 | 1 | |
FW - Characins | |||
Rasbora; Harlequin | $3.99 | 16 | |
Rasbora; Neon Green | $5.99 | 6 | |
Tetra; Black Phantom | $2.99 | 26 | |
Tetra; Bloodfin Glass | $2.99 | 13 | |
Tetra; Ember | $2.99 | 35 | |
Tetra; Glowlight | $2.99 | 25 | |
Tetra; Green Fire | $3.99 | 7 | |
Tetra; Neon | $3.99 | 1 | |
Tetra; Penguin | $2.99 | 1 | |
Tetra; Pristella | $3.99 | 15 | |
Tetra; Pristella (Gold) | $3.99 | 9 | |
Tetra; Silver Tip | $3.49 | 3 | |
Tetra; White Skirt | $4.99 | 4 | |
FW - New & Old World Cichlids | |||
Angel; Asst Colors <1.5 in | $8.99 | 2 | |
Angel; Asst Colors >2.5 in | $26.99 | 4 | |
Angel; Asst Colors 3 in + | $29.99 | 4 | |
Angel; Black (Dime) | $7.99 | 3 | |
FW - Rainbows | |||
Rainbow; Australian | $9.99 | 12 | |
Rainbow; Neon Dwarf | $4.99 | 10 |
Birds in Stock
Pricing Note
The listed prices are consider our 'a la carte' prices. Significant discounts up to 50% are usually given when purchasing an animal with the appropriate components.Newberg Location:
Description | Price | Qty |
BL Budgie Assorted Colors | $59.99 | 2 |
BL Conure; GC (Turquoise) | $749.99 | 1 |
BL Finch; Zebra | $54.99 | 2 |