In Stock List (Wilsonville):Category |
Description | Price | Qty |
In Stock List(Newberg):Category |
Description | Price | Qty |
FW – Livebearers |
Endlers; Assorted (Female) | $7.99 | 1 | |
Endlers; Assorted (Male) | $4.99 | 23 | |
Platy; Assorted Colors | $2.99 | 20 | |
FW – Inverts/Oddballs |
Frog; African Dwarf | $5.99 | 20 | |
Shrimp; Amano | $4.99 | 40 | |
Shrimp; Amano (Sun Orange) | $5.99 | 10 | |
Shrimp; Assorted Neocaridina | $4.99 | 75 | |
Shrimp; Cherry (Red) | $4.99 | 25 | |
Shrimp; Sunkist | $4.99 | 25 | |
Snail; Mystery <1in Small | $2.99 | 62 | |
Snail; Nerite (Asst FW) | $3.49 | 26 | |
FW – Bettas |
Betta; Female | $7.99 | 2 | |
Betta; Female Crowntail | $11.99 | 3 | |
Betta; Super Delta | $14.99 | 3 | |
FW – Barbs & Minnows |
Barb; Cherry | $4.99 | 14 | |
Danio; Glowlight | $7.99 | 10 | |
Danio; Zebra | $2.49 | 12 | |
Minnow; White Cloud | $2.99 | 12 | |
Shark; Rainbow | $4.99 | 1 | |
Shark; Roseline (4-6 in) | $29.99 | 1 | |
FW – Plants |
LP A. crispus w/ leaves | $7.99 | 4 | |
LP A. madagascariensis | $11.99 | 7 | |
LP A. ulvaceous w/ leaves | $11.99 | 9 | |
LP Anubias; Assorted 1-4 in | $9.99 | 18 | |
LP Anubias; Assorted 6+ in | $15.99 | 5 | |
LP B. caroliniana | $1.99 | 36 | |
LP B. caroliniana (Ylw. Flame) | $1.99 | 24 | |
LP C. caroliniana | $1.99 | 20 | |
LP C. spiralis | $4.99 | 13 | |
LP C. thalictroides | $4.49 | 33 | |
LP C. wendtii assorted color | $3.49 | 41 | |
LP H. corymbosa 'Giant' | $1.99 | 3 | |
LP H. difformis | $3.99 | 4 | |
LP H. Salicifolia (Stem) | $2.99 | 10 | |
LP M. pteropus 'Java Fern' | $7.99 | 55 | |
LP M. pteropus(Lace Java Fern) | $6.99 | 25 | |
LP N. Zenkeri (Tiger Lotus) | $8.99 | 21 | |
LP R. indica | $1.99 | 40 | |
LP R. macrandra 'Narrow Leaf' | $1.99 | 5 | |
LP V. Contortion (Corkscrew) | $1.99 | 25 | |
LP V. montagnei JF | $11.49 | 4 | |
LP V. spiralis | $1.99 | 100 | |
FW – Algae Eaters |
Garra; Panda | $9.99 | 10 | |
FW – Catfish |
Catfish; Hoplo (Albino) | $19.99 | 3 | |
Cory; Albino | $5.99 | 11 | |
Cory; Bronze | $4.99 | 8 | |
Cory; Julii | $5.99 | 6 | |
Pleco; Bushynose (1-2in) | $7.99 | 1 | |
Pleco; Bushynose (Alb Longfin) | $14.99 | 3 | |
Pleco; Bushynose (Albino;1-2") | $8.99 | 5 | |
Pleco; Bushynose (Longfin1-2") | $9.99 | 12 | |
Pleco; Inspector L210 | $39.99 | 3 | |
Pleco; Lemon Drop | $8.5 | 2 | |
Pleco; Rubberlip | $12.99 | 1 | |
Pleco; Rubberlip (3-4 in) | $18.99 | 1 | |
FW – Labrinths |
Gourami; Dwarf (Powder Blue) | $14.99 | 8 | |
Gourami; Dwarf Flame | $14.99 | 1 | |
Gourami; Honey Dwarf (Fire) | $6.99 | 10 | |
Gourami; Opaline | $7.99 | 1 | |
FW – Characins |
Rasbora; Harlequin | $3.99 | 16 | |
Rasbora; Neon Green | $5.99 | 6 | |
Tetra; Black Phantom | $2.99 | 26 | |
Tetra; Bloodfin Glass | $2.99 | 13 | |
Tetra; Ember | $2.99 | 35 | |
Tetra; Glowlight | $2.99 | 25 | |
Tetra; Green Fire | $3.99 | 7 | |
Tetra; Neon | $3.99 | 1 | |
Tetra; Penguin | $2.99 | 1 | |
Tetra; Pristella | $3.99 | 15 | |
Tetra; Pristella (Gold) | $3.99 | 9 | |
Tetra; Silver Tip | $3.49 | 3 | |
Tetra; White Skirt | $4.99 | 4 | |
FW – New & Old World Cichlids |
Angel; Asst Colors <1.5 in | $8.99 | 2 | |
Angel; Asst Colors >2.5 in | $26.99 | 4 | |
Angel; Asst Colors 3 in + | $29.99 | 4 | |
Angel; Black (Dime) | $7.99 | 3 | |
FW – Rainbows |
Rainbow; Australian | $9.99 | 12 | |
Rainbow; Neon Dwarf | $4.99 | 10 |
Please note that prices on animals fluctuate often and will vary based on age, behavior and a number of other factors; This means our web prices are a guide only and in store prices may be different.