Brittani took a little video of the new store. Check it out.
Wild Wild Chameleons
We’ve got this Chameleon we’ve been trying to let roam the front window above the tortoises and he keeps jumping down. The tortoises are chasing him around trying to figure out if he’s food and I guess it’s stressing him out. I want to make it work and our employee wants to stick it in a cage so that it …
Touring the Cabana
Construction Update
I met with several subcontractors to discuss some loose ends today. I can’t believe how much they’ve done in less than a week.
Breaking Foundation
So the construction on the new Wilsonville Critter Cabana store started yesterday and will continue for another six weeks. We are currently anticipating doors open on August 1st. There is lots of new stuff happening check back soon for more updates
Construction has begun! Look forward to a new Critter Cabana soon in Wilsonville.